My Personal Testimony

I was raised in a musical family and use to sing in bars and nightclubs until I realized it lacked purpose. I knew this wasn’t where I belonged or the lifestyle that I wanted for myself. Somewhere deep inside, I knew there had to be more to life than this!

It was when I began seeking purpose for my life that I had a personal encounter with the Lord. One evening as I lay in bed, I began to talk to God. I told Him if He was REAL, I wanted to know it. Much to my surprise, God spoke to me in what I would describe as a small still voice and said, “Mona, take a step out in faith and trust in Me.” I said, “Okay, Lord, but how do I do it?” The Lord gave me a vision of a large cartoon bulb and an ancient book. The bulb turned on and gave light to the pages of the book as they quickly turned before me. Instantly, I knew I was looking at the pages of my life. God knew everything about me; He had it all written down! God showed me that He had allowed me to go through the things I had experienced in my life so I could fully understand, turn around and help others. So I said, “Okay Lord, I’ll do it.” The next morning I got up and began to read my Bible for the first time in years. The Lord led me to 1 Peter 5:10: “And the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will Himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.”   The next day I attended the Assembly of God Church in town with my Mom and sister and what would you guess the Pastor spoke on? – 1 Peter 5:10!  I could sense the presence of the Holy Spirit upon me and I knew God was confirming His Word to me from the day before.  This was the beginning of a lifetime relationship with the Lord. I surrendered my heart to Jesus Christ and He forgave me of my past and filled my life with new meaning and purpose. Now the songs I sing and the words I speak are a part of who I am.

Desiring to grow in the things of God and be used of Him, I pursued Christian education and graduated from North Central University in Minneapolis, MN, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Pastoral Studies and Music Performance.  Following graduation, I established Mona LaValley Ministries, a 501C3 non-profit organization. I received my credentials as an ordained minister while pastoring the New York Mills Assembly of God Church and am currently affiliated with the Minnesota School of Theology located in Brooklyn Center, MN.

Music continues to be one of my passions in life.  I enjoy writing and performing gospel music, and am also a gospel recording artist. I completed my first CD of original music titled, “Raise A Standard,” in 2003 and just recently completed a 2nd CD in December of 2022 titled, “The Confession.”  While both albums consist of original gospel music in a variety of styles, rock, pop, blues, country and classical, “The Confession” has a new rockabilly sound and some blue grass.  I sing and accompany myself on acoustic guitar, plunk a little on the mandolin and ukelele, and given the occasion, throw in some traditional gospel and patriotic music.

 While I have served as Children’s Pastor, Youth Pastor, Senior Pastor and Minister of Music, I find myself embarking on an evangelistic outreach ministry to restore God to His rightful place in America. The summer of 2016 I entered a “live” musical float in Otter Tail County parades that said, “Vote to keep God in America” and a banner on the back that read, “Blessed is the nation whose God is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Psalm 33:12).” Most of us know that our country is divided in her belief systems because we have strayed far from the truths found in God’s Word. Once again, we are facing a time when young people haven’t even heard about the love of God revealed through Jesus. It is time for believers to make a stand and share their faith. God has put a vision in my heart to travel throughout the United States preaching and singing the good news about Jesus, and to disciple and prepare believers for the next great harvest coming upon the earth. I feel led to step out into this vision by conducting Spirit-filled Tent Crusades and Camp Meetings throughout Otter Tail County and slowly expanding my tent pegs as the Lord leads. I believe the Lord is raising up others to join me and partner with me in this calling even now.  Scheduled events will be posted on the Events page.  You can also follow me on Facebook.

My immediate need is a motor home.  The vehicle that would best meet my needs is a Leisure Travel Van with a murphy bed.  If you have one you would like to donate to the ministry or know of someone who does, it would be an awesome gift from God!   Another way you can support the ministry is by having me come to your church for a church service, gospel concert, revival meeting, seminar, outreach event, or simply to share my testimony and ministry vision. Thank you in advance for your prayers and any assistance you can give me to help forward the gospel truth.

All donations and contributions are tax-deductible.