Tent Crusades / Camp Meetings / Revival Meetings / Church Services / Seminars

1)  How to be born again and have assurance of salvation

2)  How to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit

3)  What are the 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit and how do I minister them

4)  How to live the Spirit-filled life and grow in faith

5)  How to share your faith and engage in evangelism

6)  How to pray for your healing

7)  How to make a stand for truth in the end times

8)  Exposing the lies of the New Age

9)  How I can distinguish if a prophetic word is from the Lord or not

10)  Understanding the devil’s web of deception

11)  Where do we go when we die

12)   Understanding the Timeline of Eschatological Events 

Topics listed above are not an exhaustive list.  I am able to minister according to the needs of your church or outreach event on the topic of your choice.