Mona LaValley Ministries is a multi-faceted evangelistic ministry that is designed to meet the needs of your church function, outreach event, or special occasion. Mona has served as Senior Pastor, Youth Pastor, Children’s Pastor and Minister of Music and is able to minister effectively to all age groups through a variety of vehicles. It is my goal to create an atmosphere where God and people can connect.


There is a definite call on my life to preach the Gospel and I feel God has gifted me with the ability to communicate spiritual truths in a simple, yet powerful way that people can understand. We are all together in this journey called life: Some of us stand in need of a Savior; some of us are searching for meaning and purpose and need direction for our lives; some of us are hurting and are in need of healing; some of us are lonely and are in need of a friend; some of us are in need of hope and a word of encouragement; some of us are celebrating and need someone to share our joys with. Only God knows the human heart and the individual need, and amazingly, He wants to speak to us! When I preach the Word, I want to be a vehicle God can use to make that connection.  So it is vitally important to me that I spend time in prayer and seek God for the message. Then I can offer up a fresh revelation from the Word that is anointed of God and will produce powerful effects in the lives of individuals. Secondly, it is important to me that I am listening to the Holy Spirit as I minister the Word and give Him freedom to minister as He sees fit. Lastly, I always close my message with an invitation for individuals to respond to the Word by giving an altar call and offering time for special prayer. Jesus spoke of the Word in the Gospel of John saying: “The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life (6:63)” and “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free (8:32).”


Music has been one of my passions in life and I have had a lot of musical influences, many of which are reflected in my Gospel CDs, “Raise a Standard,” (2003) and “The Confession” completed in December of 2022.  The albums consist of original gospel music in a variety of styles: gospel rock, blues, pop, country, rockabilly, bluegrass and classical. Every age group has their favorites!  I sing and accompany myself on acoustic guitar and like to plunk on the mandolin and ukelele.  I enjoy performing music I have written as well as traditional gospel music.

I am also an experienced worship leader and feel God has anointed me in this position. To me, worship is so much more than singing hymns and praise choruses; it is an anointing that flows like a river out of a love relationship with the Lord. Within it, there is an element of the prophetic, a message that the Lord wants to unveil to His people. At its climatic point, worship should open up the realm of heaven where it seems all the angelic host join in and then descend back to the earthly realm with a prophetic word or move of the Holy Spirit. Every worship leader should know approximately where this climatic point will be when putting the worship songs together. Flow, arrangement, tempo, and key progression – all of these things play a part. I begin with the theme or message the Holy Spirit puts on my heart, select some songs, play them through and see what flows well. Then I worship God as I rehearse, and He rearranges and puts it all together. If the heavens don’t open during my rehearsal, it probably won’t during worship either. And of course, God being God, occasionally comes in and changes everything. A good worship leader will follow His lead.


When I am putting together an hour or two of Gospel entertainment, I like to use a variety of musical styles and mix a little humor in. I might tell a few jokes, do a little drama, tell a story, sing a funny song, do a little ventriloquism, and etc. Whatever fits! I have found a little humor paves the way for a more serious moment that allows me convey a spiritual truth. All in all, the key is to keep things moving!

Given a “theme” for your special event or occasion, I am able to put together a program to help celebrate it and add a little fun at the same time!


Depending on the occasion, I might use a little drama to introduce a topic or convey a spiritual truth. Might be a short skit, a 1 person act, a mime and etc.


While I am a beginner, I have a couple of friends that I like to bring out on rare occasion, Bubbles the Bear and Crackers the Parrot. Bubbles is giggly and kind of shy and Crackers . . . well he’s a little wild and zany!